Publicado em:13 de outubro de 2012

Lista Completa do 'The Score' da Trilha Sonora de Breaking Dawn - Part 2

O álbum "The Score" Breaking Dawn Part 2 estará disponível (à venda no no dia 12 de Novembro.

Ele irá incluir música instrumental composta por Carter Burwell.  nos mostra para descobrir os nomes das músicas (ATENÇÃO, alguns títulos CONTÉM SPOILERS)

Lista Completa:

1. Twilight Overture (3:02)
2. A World Bright and Buzzing (1:12)
3. The Lamb Hunts The Lion (1:59)
4. Meet Renesmee (2:43)
5. Here Goes Nothing (0:59)
6. Sparkles At Last (1:04)
7. Catching Snowflakes (1:41)
8. The Immortal Children (2:01)
9. Merchant of Venice (0:44)
10. Into The White (1:04)
11. Renesmee's Lullaby/Something Terrible (3:03)
12. A Way With The World (1:38)
13. The Amazon Arrives (1:00)
14. A Yankee Vampire (1:07)
15. Cloud Forest (1:23)
16. Witnesses (1:37)
17. We Will Fight (0:57)
18. Shield Training (2:09)
19. At Bedtime A Child Asks About Death (1:14)
20. Decoding Alice (1:45)
21. The Driving Question (1:09)
22. Present Time (2:11)
23. This Extraordinary Life (2:11)
24. Gathering In Snow (2:45)
25. She Is Not Immortal (0:53)
26. Reading Edward (0:55)
27. Magnifica (1:10)
28. Irina Loses Her Head (2:52)
29. Aro's Oration (2:48)
30. A Kick In The Head (0:58)
31. Exacueret Nostri Dentes in Filia (1:.48)
32. Chasing Renesmée (1:20)
33. A Crack In The Earth (2:24)
34. Aro's End (1:52)
35. That's Your Future (0:52)
36. Such A Prize (3:25)

Os pedidos ainda não estão sendo aberto.

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